Chase The Devil!

by Janelle Hoyland |Jun 20, 2018

Chase your fears out of your life. Become woke…awake. You have been sleeping. Maybe you are playing….dabble here, tip toe there. You will not get anywhere like that. You try it or half ass try it. Just yesterday I was in a session and it was very clear the woman was trying. Not doing. I don’t settle. I don’t play everyone else’s game. I make my rules. I get to experience everything life has in store for me. You see for years I told myself it’s okay to settle. To put up with people who take no responsibility for how they showed up in my life. Daily I was held back responsible, respectful. I was spiritual. I was unattached to the drama. But the drama in my life was sucking me in. Yes, people get self absorbed and rude. Yes, I was attracting people with boundaries all over the place. I was freakin’ done. Done with everyone telling me who I needed to be. I am not a leader for nothing. If I play the rules. I CAN NOT TELL YOU TOO.