Living in the Flow

by Janelle Hoyland |Sep 15, 2016

In my experience the universe wants you to play and enjoy life. Many people, including me, have struggled with being spiritual and having “a life.” So many of us think that you have to give up on doing things like the dishes or cleaning…the simple things. I have realized in my journey that the things that are our daily events are the moments that really make us grateful for being spiritually connected. These moments can be actually very spiritual alone.

Inside the perfect instrument that you are, you have all the qualities to appreciate the little details that make our life whole. The shift to be grateful about doing the dishes or the daily things you have to do. This is how I achieved balance, In that I dedicated what I would do in the little moments in the universe. For example, I say, I love to be able to do the dishes.

This also goes for the spiritual practices such as mediation. If a person comes with the presence of, I have to, then it really is not a rewarding experience. This does not mean giving up meditation, but to embrace both parts of your life as equal in which to grow and evolve.  In this way, everything you do no matter how small or detailed comes from the same energy. When you think about meditation, it’s a scared space for you to go within to center yourself. It would not be centered if you were thinking you “have to.”  In  this way, I always change what I do because as a human you get bored.  I used to make myself sit down and meditate because I thought that would make me more connected. Then I realized that taking pleasure in doing other forms of mediation, like walking, caused more enlightenment. I might go outside and sit with nature or dance to create a shift. Now I embrace all different forms of mediation. This brings me closer to my authentic self and conscious awareness.

The dance means everything you do is in grace and with love. The balance creates harmony. Above all, remember to laugh when you are stuck in the details of life. In my own journey, “being spiritual”  was being stuck in serious. It is, but you also have to bring spice or passion with it. Our journey in to live life fully in the present time, not in the future or the past. This process causes you to become present to all life and things around you, raising your vibration to take in all life to the full extent. From the place of present time, you can create a life you enjoy. So often I have been focused on the future instead of now that I have missed many amazing things . I generate in the moment conscious thinking that has created more of life for me to see. One of these moments was when my guides came in and said I need to go  in to an office, of course, I drove over there. It was funny i did not have an appointment. I said to the receptionist I have no idea why I am here but I know I am supposed to be here. I know that sounds weird but I have no idea why I am here. She was taken back but laughed and said hang on. That turned into not only me using their space to teach out of but later the receptionist and I became friends. If I had not gone due to the fact I did not understand why, I would have missed the opportunity. The time is so quick that if I think or hesitate, I have missed the gift.  It was a year before, I had met them at another event. It took a year to create this connection for all of us involved.

Being aware of even the smallest thing and dedicating them, you bring joy back into your life. Then everything becomes a sacred spiritual moment full of beauty. Enjoy life.